
(Tùi Thó-lūn:Main Page choán--lâi)


Góa ka-tī chhì chò ê tô·, iōng "Algeria" ê jī-hêng chò ê, m̄-chai-iáⁿ hó ia̍h-sī m̄-hó... Nā-sī bô-hó, hoan-gêng kî-thaⁿ ê lâng chhì chò :D -- Astroviolin ê thó-lūn ia̍h ^^, Jun. 8th, 2006

閩南語版Wikisource siu-kái

已將這篇文章的討論轉到 Wikisource:書房(即英文版的Wikisource:Scriptorium,中文版的Wikisource:寫字間,是討論維基文庫內容及項目的社群討論頁),歡迎改至那裡討論。 Góa í-keng kā chit-phiⁿ bûn-chiuⁿ ê thó-lūn chóan-kàu Wikisource:Chheh-pâng (tio̍h-sī Eng-bûn pán ê Wikisource:Scriptorium,Hôa-gí pán ê Wikisource:Siá-jī keng, sī thó-lūn Wiki-tô·-su-kóan ê lōe-iông ê siā-kûn thó-lūn ia̍h). Hoan-gêng kàu hia thó-lūn. :) --Astroviolin: lâi chhōe góa lim ka-pi! 06:28, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

Hello. Please check (and if need be add or correct) the translation of "Wikisource — The Free Library" in your language, in the table at this page. Note: The table is linked to from the circular logo at Wikisource's Multilingual Portal.

Thank you! User:Dovi 17:47, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

Proposal for closing project siu-kái

see here --TheChampionMan1234 (talk) 2012-nî 10-goe̍h 12-jἰt (Gō·) 10:37 (UTC)

Tâi-oân-koa ê koa-sû siu-kái

Lán Tâi-oân-koa ū chē-chē Ji̍t-pún sî-tāi ê koa-sû, sui-jiân sī Hàn-jī siá--ê, put-kò lán kám ē-sái kā chia-ê koa-sû iōng POJ siá chò tô͘-su-koán ê lōe-iông? Chhin-chhiūⁿ Bāng-chhun-hong (望春風), Ú-iā-hoe (雨夜花) téng-téng. Pheng-siá tiō chīn-liōng iōng goân-chhiùⁿ koa-chhiú ê hoat-im ûi piau-chún.--Sunshine567 (對話) 2016-nî 2-goe̍h 18-ji̍t (Sì) 02:27 (UTC)

Thang. --Kaihsu (對話) 2016-nî 3-goe̍h 24-ji̍t (Sì) 14:17 (UTC)
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